Our Beliefs, Aims and Objectives
Our Beliefs
We believe in the intrinsic dignity and sanctity of animal life.
We believe that companion animals are a product of human intervention and that we have a special obligation to them in regard to humane treatment and responsible stewardship.
We believe we have an obligation to alleviate suffering.
We believe we have an obligation to prevent cruelty.
We believe that people should treat each animal as kindly as possible.
We believe we have a duty to protect and care for the suffering and homeless.
We believe that our values, decisions, conduct and behavior should set the tone and be a model for others in their care and treatment of animals.
Aims and Objectives
Within our means, resources and ability:
Treat all living creatures with respect and dignity
Endeavour to alleviate the suffering of animals
Aspire to prevent cruelty to animals
Seek to protect and care for the suffering and homeless animals
Find ways to extend the principles of caring for and compassion towards animals to the public through education, encouragement and empowerment
Strive to promote positive and collaborative relationships with other agencies, organizations, and individuals regarding animal welfare best practise.
Co-operate with like-minded organisations to promote animal welfare
Find the best possible homes for rescued animals.
Work with Animal Paws Clinic in Tabuk to improve the quality of medical care provided to animals in Tabuk
Pursue excellence and best practise in all matters regarding animal welfare
To raise sufficient funds to facilitate the achievement of our stated aims
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نحتاج أيضًا إلى رعاة يمكنهم رعاية القطط والكلاب ، وأحيانًا يكون للحيوانات احتياجات خاصة.