Help with Pet Export
Relocation Services offered by Coexistence: Holistic Care:
1. Assist in obtaining all necessary documentation from local vets and the Ministry of Agriculture (MEWA) - This applies to any travel to and from Riyadh to any country.
2. Checking Service to ensure all necessary documentation is included and completed according to legal requirements in both Saudi and your country of departure/arrival.
3. Take you and/or you and your pet to the vet.
4. Online assistance to your home country to navigate the dedicated pet import website, Anaam, and complete and translate the necessary documentation that is in Arabic.
5. Airport Duty – Meet you and your pets at the airport and liaise with the check in and airport authority officials and accompany you until your fur babies have been handed over to the ground staff for boarding.
* Charges range from 50sar p/hour for online consultation to 500sar for a complete relocation package.
Contact details: Facebook Messenger – Sara Od
About me: My name is Sara alOdaiby (Sara Od on Facebook). I’m a bilingual half American and half Saudi living in Riyadh. I founded, a Saudi rescue group and Coexistence: Holistic Care, a pet service covering many needs of both pet and pet guardians in Riyadh.
My goal in life is to help as many animals as I can. I am a mom to 2 rescue dogs and a cat, and am/have been rescuer, foster, flight buddy and flight facilitator to many more.
The bond between human and animal is a precious thing. I want to protect it. I recognise that trying to arrange safe passage of your fur babies in or out of KSA is a stressful process. I want to help ease that process with you and for you and make it as smooth as possible.
Over the past few years, I have gained experience in successfully navigating all parts of the relocation procedure and have built up personal connections with both Saudi MEWA personnel and Riyadh airport officials putting me in a unique position to assist you and make this journey an easy and successful process.
الحيوانات هم اولوياتنا ، فنحن جمعية محورها الأساسي هو الحيوان
حاليا ، نركز على الحيوانات التي لا تستطيع العيش بمفردها بالشوارع
فقط نعطي حيواناتنا المنقذة للتبني منازل نثق تماماً بانهم سيكونون بأمان فيه
للاطلاع على اعمالنا ونشاطاتنا
شاهد عملنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي
نحن متواجدون على منصات متعددة للتواصل الاجتماعي
يمكنك النقر عليها أدناه لزيارتنا.
نحن لا نأخذ الحيوانات من الناس الذين لا يريدونها.
لا نعطي حيواناتنا للتبني بشكل عشوائي.
نحن جمعية محورها و اساسها الحيوان نحن جمعية خيرية محورها الحيوان.
نحن نبحث عن متطوعين يشاركوننا ويساعدوننا في اعمالنا التطوعية.
نحتاج أيضًا إلى منازل حاضنة يمكنهم رعاية القطط والكلاب
في بعض الأحيان يكون للحيوانات احتياجات خاصة.